When is the event? June 28, 2025
What are the visitor hours? 3pm - 8pm
How do I sign up? Fill out the vendor inquiries form online to express your interest – BoardmanArtsPark.org/Vendor-sign-up. Director@BoardmanArtsPark.org will reach out via email with more information.
What is the cost?
Vendors will pay $100 for the day.
How do I pay for the booth? Once the Park has confirmed you as a vendor, we will send you a link that gives you multiple ways to pay your booth fee.
Can I select a spot? Booths will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.
What are set up and tear down hours? Saturday set up is from 12pm-3pm and tear down is from 8pm-9pm.
How big are the spaces?
For beer, wine & other drink vendors participating in tasting portion of event - 15' x 10'
For art vendors - 10' x 10'
Can vendors park in their spaces? No, but vendors will be able to drive in to set-up and tear-down during the set times. Vendors will be asked to park at designated off-site parking or can utilize street parking.
Can I rent tables and chairs? Yes, there is a modest fee if you want to rent additional tables ($10/table) and chairs ($2/chair). You are welcome to bring your own tables and chairs.
Note: Beer, Wine, & other drink ticket booths will include 1 table and 2 chairs per booth with vendor fee.
Can electricity be provided? There is no electricity for booths provided.
Will there be food available to purchase? Yes, food and drinks will be available from multiple food trucks.
Will there be entertainment? Yes, two bands for the full event.
Is parking available for vendors and customers? Patrons will be able to park at the Ohio Wesleyan Dorms across William Street from the Arts Park. Police will be on-hand to help with crossing the busy street. Vendors are asked to park in the lot at Washington and William (2 blocks from the event).
What amenities will be available during the event? Flush toilets, portipots, and water are available.
Do we collect sales taxes at this event? Each vendor is responsible for collecting and reporting all taxes to the state of Ohio.
What insurance documentation do I need to provide? A certificate of insurance for general liability insurance with a minimum of $1,000,000 and workers compensation, including employee’s liability. Please have your Insurer issue a certificate of insurance naming “Boardman Arts Park, Inc” as additionally insured.
What is the admission price for patrons? Admission is $15-$25 with commemorative glass & six taste tickets. Additional taste tickets $3 each: 3 oz pours of beer/mixed drinks; or 1 oz pours of wine/mead.
Is there an age restriction on the event? Yes, you must be 21 or older to attend the event. Due to the nature of this event we will not be letting in anyone under 21, this includes young children and babies in strollers.
Can people bring pets? Pets that are on a leash of 6’ or less, behaving well and are cleaned up after, are welcome.
Is there a rain date? The show will go on rain or shine.
Other Questions? Email Director@BoardmanArtsPark.org, or call 614-226- 8744
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